
We appreciate your feedback and are ready to assist you with any questions, concerns, or requests you may have. Feel free to contact us using the following contact details:


Hart Haven

Phone: +31 6 82675325

Nieuwendijk 5 B 2,
Amsterdam, 1012 LZ

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00 to 17:00 GMT+1 CET)


Please note:

  • Emails will be answered during opening hours.
  • The best way to assist you is by receiving an email with your order details.
  • We do not accept unsolicited physical packages or mail.

Whether you have a question about our products, need assistance with an order, or want to share feedback, our dedicated customer service team is ready to help.

Please be aware that our response times may vary based on the number of inquiries, but we strive to provide you with a prompt and helpful response.

Contact form