1. Where is Hart Haven based?
We are based in the heart of Amsterdam, Netherlands, and registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. If you want to chat with the team, use the chat function or contact us via email.
2. Where do you deliver?
Currently, we serve Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States. If you are not located in any of the mentioned countries but are still interested in our products, contact us!
3. What are the shipping times?
Our orders are processed in 1-4 days and shipped in 6-11 days in all listed countries. Occasionally, orders may take longer during busy holiday seasons and/or unforeseen shipping circumstances beyond our control. Read our shipping policy for more information.
4. What are the accepted payment methods?
We accept the following payment methods. Note that the list might change and vary per country. - Credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover) - PayPal - Apple Pay - Google Pay - Shopify Payments - iDEAL - Bancontact
5. Is payment secure?
We leverage a secure payment platform that is certified Level 1 PCI DSS compliant, ensuring your peace of mind when shopping from us.
6. What is the return policy?
We have a 90-day money-back guarantee. Check our return policy for more information.